Wardrobe: Last Bus Ride
Models: Keline Woo and Francesca Tan
My first shoot with LBR has gotta be the most tiring yet fun online store outdoor shoot yet. It ended when the skies turned dark, but I'm glad the photos came out alright. Keline, Francesca and Regina (the owner) were extremely lovely girls whom I'm glad to have known (: This holiday has been extremely fruitful and taxing and I'm eagerly waiting for the next getaway (or supposedly, my birthday getaway) in early Sep for a proper rest. I want to set foot in every part of the world, and I'm beginning with M'sia since I've conquered a large part of it. However unappealing it may seem, there's always beauty in every of these places that I want to experience. I've been dying to head there since 3 years back, and I'm glad I'm finally going in 2 weeks' time!
Falling ill has been a fortnight thing for me, and while I'm typing all of these I'm blowing my nose and feeling extremely cranky. I wish I could show you the amount of tissues I've used up. On the contrary, I've been hitting the gym twice/thrice a week and my fitness is improving! I honestly forgot how it feels like to sweat it out since I haven't been to a gym for hmm 5 years at least, and I haven't ran in about 1 and a half years. Oh, the benefits of having all these facilities just 2 minutes walk away from the house of a lazy bum.
Cheers to a more fulfilling lifestyle! :D
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