Back in the jolly month of August, the Fabfad team and I met up for dinner at Grub after hearing so many good reviews about the place and it definitely did not disappoint. It was just a little hard finding the place and we almost got lost, and ended up walking a pretty long distance before we got greeted by a long queue. But I would say it was pretty well worth the wait! The pricing is pretty reasonable, and it makes for a good place for people to chill at night with friends. I had the steak, and I really like it. (:
Everyone liked their dish except the boyfriend, because his Grilled Chicken Leg was honestly a pretty small portion that was insufficient for him.

Grilled Steak & Fries $18.50

Grilled Chicken Leg $15

Slow Roasted Pork Belly $15

GRUB Cheeseburger $13

My dear Rebecca and Sihui. In other words, also known as the Fabfad team! (:

Our dishes (:
The most unforgettable part was how Rebecca, being the sweetheart that she is, surprised me with a birthday cake with the excuse that she was heading to the toilet. It totally caught me off guard because I didn't think there would be anything more to it than a purely good dinner together. Albeit a belated celebration, it was a really nice sweet gesture and the fact that she remembered meant a lot to me. (,:

Ever since the boyfriend and I tried our first Maki roll, we've been hooked! The joy and pleasure of being able to select your own ingredients into the making of your roll is so addictive and for picky eaters it's an additional plus point because you know you wouldn't be getting any unwanted surprise in your food! So I've brought my friends- Anadee and Samantha, over for dinner when we had our usual meet up and I think we all had fun choosing and eating.

How nice would it be if we could get a hands-on experience at rolling it too… Hahaha.

That's my girls for you (: Two girls that I hold really close to the heart since secondary school. We may not meet often, but whenever we do it's always like we have endless topics to talk about. They are both really really kind-hearted and beautiful in and out. I mean it whenever I say I see the beauty in them radiating on the outside. It's funny how we could click so effortlessly despite being so different, but thank you girls for keeping me close to the heart and for accommodating my schedule/time whenever I am tied down by work. Perhaps the fact that three of us are born so closely together. I love you girls (,:

I can't seem to remember what this is but I conjure that it's the Marinara that I had.

Both my girlfriends ordered the Carbonara. Being avid fans of food photography, both of them like to complain that my food is always the least appealing in the photos. It's funny how we have visited countless cafes and I'm always ordering "ugly food" (as they have described) and it is true because my dishes will never stand out when I'm with them. Maybe I just have a knack for ugly dishes then.

Say hi to my uber-unwilling-to-be-snapped friend, Florence, who finally conceded defeat after multiple attempts of pointing the camera at her. So, she sulked. So cuteeeeee. Haha.

The sweetest boyfriend who dropped by to pick me up after dinner but again, I was surprised by them into believing that it was a normal dinner and they sprung the cake in my face when I left the table for a little while. (,: Tinglei actually went to get Awfully Choc's cake cause she said she remembered that I mentioned about 2 years ago that I actually quite like their chocolate banana cake. How thoughtful and sweet. I honestly have the best bunch of friends ever. She actually remembers a passing remark made 2 years ago. I got the boy in to join us together for the cake. (:

And taaa-daaaa. presenting the P.P.Gs to you! Not that hard to figure the acronyms out actually heehee. So yes it was a whole lot of sinful indulgence that night because apart from the cake, we had the Salted Caramel Brownie (oh shucks my memory is failing me) and it was soooo good and yummy. What I could never figure was how the girls actually held my cake and presents with them all the way when we were together but I never noticed. It's either they are too smart or I'm just….. dumb. I'd like to believe in the former though.
We spent the entire night talking and lazing around Laselle just sharing everything under the moon with each other like we always do. With them, it's also endless ramblings and shadings but it never gets bored. They are also a very consistent pair in my life who has seen me through the good and ugly, supported me through all my decisions and pulled me through the darkest nights. Thank you girlies, I love y'all to the depths of the ocean.
And lastly,
I know how much of a mismatch these two photos are to all the food photos but I thought I'd summarise them altogether since I'm at it now and put a closure to my August.

Good things don't just come in small sizes…. They come in big black bags.
I am tremendously thankful for this drop dead gorgeous pair of slippers the boy has gifted me for my birthday. There's a (I would say..) story behind this gift. But I guess one main point was that the boy was trying to make me a slipper convert. I know right… how absurd. I don't wear slippers out at all except when I am working outdoors but the boy believes in dressing down in whatever you like and not conforming to the latest trends just because you should/have to. We've had the debate about slippers for awhile now and the other time he concluded on his own that I probably do not wear slippers out because my slippers are cheap and ugly. Hahaha. I don't even own a pair of Havaianas until a month ago because I kept slipping during work when I wear my cheap slippers that doesn't provide much groove. He felt that if I had a nice pair, I probably would wear it more often.
Him being him, seeing that I do not own any 'branded' shoes at all, was a total sweetheart in wanting to pamper me because he knew I liked this pair and he actually went to get it all on his own without me knowing and even wanted to bring it along to Taiwan to surprise me on the midnight of my birthday but his surprise was foiled before the trip actually. Despite owning it for a few months now, I've barely worn it out still because I really hate seeing them get dirty.
I honestly don't dig branded footwear, and least to say-slippers, so it was never on my wish list. But hey, don't we all love anything that's Chanel? Thank you bee for the thought, for the surprise, for the pure intention of wanting to pamper me because you think I deserve it. I honestly don't. Thank you for everything that you've done on a day to day basis to assist me in my work when I feel that I'm about to crumble because it honestly meant a whole lot more than a pair of expensive slippers because it only goes to show that you do not only wait for occasions to show your affection. You want the best for me in everything, and you proved it not by words but by your unfailing love and action.
It's a real beautiful pair of slippers, my feet and I say Thank you! <3

Just a really quick update now before I scoot to bed with only 5 hours left to sleep. November and December have been beyond hectic… I have no words for them. Not that I'm complaining, it's all in a good way but it gets a little suffocating having to battle against time every single day. I've landed myself in many different places and shooting for what I love and am proud of. I'll probably share more in the next post, but then again I might save it altogether for a major thanksgiving recount at the end of the year like I always do. It's not so much about the New Year Resolutions, even though I make them too, but I have always felt the need for a proper closure for a year when it comes to an end for me to reflect and think about everything that has happened throughout and the amount of things I ought to be grateful for.
This December, I'll be embarking on two work trips and one of which is actually a REALLY long awaited place I've been aching to visit and I even penned it down as a 'MUST-GO IN 2013' and I thought it wasn't possible anymore since I've had a fair share of travelling till I got a jolly piece of good news that I'm being sponsored to travel. Imagine my delight when I knew! I'm just upset that the boy cannot be travelling with me this time round as I really would love to save the first experience for him. I was no doubt delighted, but I took awhile to consider because I have my concerns but D encouraged me to go for it despite how much we hate being apart. This is how selfless he is. (,: Mushy stuffs aside, I'll be blogging about the trip when I return and you guys will be keen to read because it's a beautiful place. I promise to line more posts up before I depart so I can still update this space more frequently!
As I've mentioned previously, you may follow Smittenpixels on both Instagram or Dayre for more bite sized frequent updates. (:
Goodnight, y'all!
Hi, just wanna to know do you always carry your DSLR during your dates with your friends? (:
Hello there! (:
It really depends! I used to, but not often anymore ever since I've started full time on this. I now rely on my compact camera for the photos you see in this post.
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