Hi, I've relocated to www.smittenpixels.com/blog.
I look forward to having you guys with me on my new journey over there!
Monday, November 17, 2014
Monday, August 18, 2014
Hi everyone, I apologise for my absence which really has not been intended. I've been trying to keep things under the wraps for a little too long, but things are a little tight on my side and hence explains the delay.
I've been planning for the big move to a proper domain for the longest time, but time and again I've been delaying it due to the amount of workload I have on hand so I'm really sorry to disappoint my readers who have been regularly checking out this site to only realise I haven't updated since forever. I had wanted to save all my recent works with the launch, but I really have too much on hand to cope but by hook or by crook... It'd definitely be up in September! I'm finally outsourcing a little part of my admin work to someone I trust to help me with, so here's to a better business workflow!
Hope everyone's just as excited as I am! I've lots of new things in store for Smittenpixels to share with all of you guys. (:
Thank you for staying with me all these while.
I've been planning for the big move to a proper domain for the longest time, but time and again I've been delaying it due to the amount of workload I have on hand so I'm really sorry to disappoint my readers who have been regularly checking out this site to only realise I haven't updated since forever. I had wanted to save all my recent works with the launch, but I really have too much on hand to cope but by hook or by crook... It'd definitely be up in September! I'm finally outsourcing a little part of my admin work to someone I trust to help me with, so here's to a better business workflow!
Hope everyone's just as excited as I am! I've lots of new things in store for Smittenpixels to share with all of you guys. (:
Thank you for staying with me all these while.
Friday, July 4, 2014
Halo Lale

Wardrobe: Halo Lale
Model: Gen Neo
During Christmas last year, I tried my hands on my second night fashion shoot. This time round, I worked with Gen and Halo Lale for their manufactured bandage dresses that sold like hot cakes. The material and cut were incredibly flattering, I swear they have a knack for designing female apparels. What I never expected to find myself saying is that I actually like how the photos have turned out considering the fact that I do not do night shoots at all and this is really just very basic/beginner for me.
So much has happened recently, and it's really nice when the boy and I sit down and recap our year together every now and then and we count our blessings for all the good that has happened in 2014 for us. We've just booked yet another trip, and that makes it 3 more trips for us before the year ends. We love travelling this much because it's the best way for us to block the rest of the world out for a bit and have each other to ourselves in a foreign land. I can barely keep my hands off work, thus travelling is THE way for us to chill out and remember to breathe. June has been a madass hectic rush and I'm glad it's over! Months of effort and hard work are finally coming to fruition.
This year is just going to get even better. (:
Monday, June 9, 2014
Flight to Forever

Outfit on Valerie: Agneselle
Hair and Makeup: Pearlyn Law Makeup and Hairstyling
In October 2013, the Agneselle team decided to come together and do up a giveaway for all of Agneselle's customers. What better way for us to collaborate than to team up and do a giveaway for 2 hours of casual couple shoot where Pearlyn would be doing the hair and makeup and Agneselle would be sponsoring at outfit (for the female only of course (;). We were very overwhelmed by the response and feedbacks we received on all of our FB pages, and it was a rewarding experience for all of us and we are happy to know that most people complied with the rules and were eligible but ultimately, we could only choose one winner at random and the above couple- Valerie and Nic were the lucky pair! Once again, a big thank you to all who have participated. The response was way better than what we had expected.
Come to think of it, it might have been predestined because Valerie is an air stewardess and our shoot is very aptly named Flight to Forever. Along the way we got to learn that the duo met through Facebook and it all started with Nick being attracted to Val when he first chanced upon her profile, and no doubt we teased him about it thereafter. I have to admit that they are both a really good looking pair, and they're really nice individuals as well.
I hope you both last a long time together.
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Agneselle's CNY Collection

Wardrobe: Agneselle
Hair and Makeup: Pearlyn Law Makeup and Hairstyling
Model: Peiling
It's been a week since I've been back from my lone trip to +66 where the boy joined me halfway through my trip. It was extremely rewarding on many levels, and I enjoyed the days I could entirely relish in being a sloth without feeling the guilt. In any case, I'm now back and fully recharged as I gear myself up for more exciting things this year. Here's my first work trip ever to the beautiful Malacca that I had familiarized myself with over the past few years when I had taken road trips there a couple of times for a short getaway. I've always loved the place for its bustling streets, vibrancy and rich heritage. Thus when the Agneselle team first brought up about heading there for our CNY shoot I was…… stoked. Sharing with you guys some images we shot over 2 days there and it was pretty fun! I just wished we had more time to spare there cause it's a place I'll always miss. Go try their famous chicken rice if you do visit!
I think I've been away for a little too long yet again, but thank you everyone who still takes the time out to check this site regularly (and be disappointed with the lack of updates) but I promise good things are coming your way soon. Please just keep your eyes peeled! I've legit reasons for my absence so please bear with me while I try to get everything up and running soon, it really is tiring trying to manage everything on my own but just a bit more time, and everything will be running smoothly soon!
Still in a state of disbelief that June has commenced, half the year has whisked by this fast and I'm glad I've done quite a fair bit to make myself proud. 6 more months to complete what I've started.
Have a good June, guys!
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Inner Desires

Wardrobe: Inner Desire
Model: Olga Solovey
You probably won't believe this, but Olga is already a mom! When I first shot her, she had just given birth awhile ago. It was a delight being able to work with Inner Desire for their gorgeous swimwear line and I spent all my time lusting over the pieces (and Olga's figure heehee) while shooting and it's an interesting change from the usual apparels shoot.
Anyhows, I'm writing this as I take my week long respite in the land of smiles in the company of good food and my favorite person in the world. I apologize for my hiatus on the Facebook page as well as my tardy replies for my emails. Guilty as charged for allowing myself to sink into a well-deserved break for good where I hardly had to touch work, and I could sleep without waking from the alarm clock. Every trip I had these years were always laden with work, email replies, editings and what nots. This time, I'm truly living my life like I never had ever since I started working 2 years ago, and I'm so blessed and thankful for this trip despite the "chaos" here which is honestly, over-exaggerated by the media. All's well here! It's about time I start readjusting to my hectic pace and brace myself for the busy June ahead before I plan my next trip in the months to come. So excited for what the rest of the year promises! The best has yet to come. (:
Saturday, May 17, 2014

Wardrobe: Purbelle
Hair and Makeup: Pearlyn Law Makeup and Hairstyling
Model: Hosin
This series will always remain as one of my favourites ever, and I can't believe it was taken last year and I had waited till now to release them. It does feel like it's been forever since we did the shoot, but at the same time, it felt like it was just last week. It was probably through this particular shoot that the Purbelle team started bonding together. I remembered how I was so fond of this entire lookbook, and I was literally obsessing over these images for awhile back then.
I love how in sync we could all be when we are really just different individuals who are given a direction to work towards. You could probably already figure that Purbelle is not your average online store, the themes D (owner of Purbelle) came up with deviated from the norms and each of the sets we have done are meticulously planned out and I am allowed to exercise my creativity from shooting to post processing. It's exhilarating when I get to experiment with various colours and moods I have always wanted to try. Anything dark and mysterious always appeals to me anyway! I'm proud of all the lookbooks the team has done together, because each and everyone of them are so brilliant at what they do so so it really is no surprise when people rave to all of us about Purbelle's photos and people wanting to replicate the style. I have to mention, Hosin will always be one of my favourite models ever and I miss working with this girl. Hosin, if you are reading this, you aren't forgotten and I'm looking forward to our next assignment together again! You're awesome in every way. <3
Thank you for reading this space despite my crazy long disappearance! For the next coming week I'd really be updating regularly because I'm taking a short break away from work to seek respite and gear up for the month of June. Lots of preparation work to do, I promise you it would be worth the wait. Exciting exciting exciting things ahead, just one more month! (: I'll try to put up more personal pictures as much as possible as well.... so many travel backlogs to share with y'all!
Have a good weekend ahead!