Featuring: Stella Ziyao
Hair and makeup: Pearlyn Law
By: Fiona Sng
Pretty is a total understatement for Stella. Imagine my delight when I first met her. Pearlyn and I have adoringly named her our 'Tofu Princess' and not to mention, she is really tall. My mom's handmade garland came into good use again and we loved how everything fits together nicely and even the weather was perfect. We shot till the sun set and loved how it casted a warm glow over the entire beach. We had a lot a lot of fun shooting together. It's always nothing but fun with Pearlyn and with Stella it was like we've known each other for forever. we had so much fun laughing and talking, climbing rocks, snapping behind the scenes, going "whoaaaaa, nice leh!" and giggling over it when Pearlyn snaps a good behind the scenes picture and falling down and scraping our feet against the rocks. It's been so many months, but I loved these photos and the fun we had shooting. It's times like this I'm grateful to have a job that barely makes me feel like I am working.
July is coming to an end! I'm so stoked for August's arrival and all the plans we have made. I've been lucky to have shot for Ziggy magazine and NBS Pageant etc and an upcoming wedding which I am really looking forward to because it is going to be really beautiful and different.
Stay gold, y'all!
I know it's going to sound a little cliche, but oh well I really genuinely feel that you can really take good pictures! Mind/Keen to share your photography journey? Anyways, I'm picking up photography skills a year ago alrdy, would like to know the body and lens you are currently using? Not sure if I should upgrade my body or invest in a better lens?! :(
Cheers! Hope you will reply..
Tinglei: THANK YOU BESTIE! :D ME TOOOOOO!!!! Hahaha it turned out really really well I'm so happy (:
Anon:Hello there! Thank you so much for being kind with your words. You flatter, I'm not that good. It's a pretty long story but basically I bought my first DSLR when I was 17 going on 18. I had zero knowledge about photography back then, and I wanted to pick it up desperately. So I went ahead and borrowed money from my boyfriend (back then) and my cousin and bought my first DSLR, and worked my ass off for a year doing part time jobs that pay $5/hr after school.
I didn't attend any classes whatsoever, but I learnt on my own through tutorials and magazines and kept shooting to improve. Last year, people found me to take up blogshop shoots and couple shoots through my blog. That was how it started. (:
I own a couple of lenses but currently I am using a Nikon D800 and 50mm f1.4 lens the most often. I would say invest in a better lens, the body matters, but not that much!
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