I am not exaggerating when I say I can barely capture a single bad photo of Rachel because she's such a natural and everyone will agree how much of a beauty she is and I barely had to direct her in her poses. She's definitely lovely to work with, we both felt like we were friends out to shoot and had so much fun together (: The leather bralet on Rachel is handmade for her project and here, it features a few ways in which the bralet can be worn. (: Finally made it to the jetty which I've been dying to go on adventure trip to photograph, and it's insanely smelly but I'm glad the photos turned out pretty well! The overcast skies turned out to be the biggest blessing for us both. Don't forget to check out Choupinette for brunch if you're around Bukit Timah area, we loved the bread and brunch sets there! Thank you Rachel for the sweet writeup! (:
June is an extremely packed month for me with shoots and projects are on a roll so I may have lesser time for this space but I promise updates as frequent as possible.
Hope you guys like the photos as much as I do!
Do drop me a mail at fiona.sng@hotmail.com if you'd like to do a shoot with me.
Hi Fiona! Your pictures are really amazing! I wish i can shoot half as well as you do! Do you mind sharing what application you use to create your watermarks! They are so adorable! Thanks in advanced! <3
What I mean is where do you get the icons for your watermarks in this post! It's so cute! :)
Hi there! <: Thank you, you flatter me! Rachel is too photogenic for me to go wrong and I credit her professionalism and beauty! Oh, the cute camera icon right? I love it too, sadly I have no idea. My best friend found it for me and I didn't save the link. ): Sorry!!
hey! what mode and settings do you usually take pictures with? especially indoor pictures like pics of your room/products. :) hope you can help. also, how many lenses do you own?
Hey, it's always on Manual mode or Aperture mode. There is no default setting I can advise because every situation requires different settings. However, you can try to read up more and also grasp every nitty gritty detail of your camera. Oh I think most importantly, shoot more I guess! Sometimes rooms can be pretty dark so try to brighten your room? I guess that would be easier. The more you shoot the better you will be. I own.. 4 lenses! But I only use 2 of them. (:
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