I cannot thank the best friend enough, for getting me The Secret e-book so I can read on the go now. I was so close to getting the book when I was in Kluang, and now I can save on buying (,: So glad to pick up reading again amidst my busy schedule, nearly forgot how much I enjoy reading.
Been meaning to do a skincare post, but my schedule right now does not permit the time. My Kosé range is almost used up, and I'm all excited on starting on new ones! They've been truly good for whitening purposes, but the alcohol content is pretty high so I probably won't be switching back to Kosé products anymore. Acquired some good products from the drugstore and I can't wait to smear them on!
Despite the chaos going on in my life right now, I'm extremely grateful and thankful for the job opportunities coming my way even though that meant even lesser time for myself. Nothing beats the joy and satisfaction of being able to photograph. Big thank you to all of you reading this space.
It's not about forgetting, it's about learning to live with a new part of yourself.
That is how you deal with it.
Hi Fiona! Very very very nice shoots!! your photography is really awesome! :D
Anyway, just wanna ask you, if you have any idea what to get for boyfriend who has practically everything for birthday and anniversary?
or any idea for handmade stuff?
Hello there!
Thank you for being so kind. I swear you flatter me. Ahhh I'm so bad at this.. I'm pretty used to buying material
things that he didn't have. But handmade wise I can try to give you some ideas! I've done a scrapbook compilation of an entire year of adventure shoots, a calendar, a cork board of photos, photo frames and cards etc! I handmade a lot before but now i rarely have the time! Honestly, as girls we love receiving gifts especially handmade ones but I don't think guys fancy them as much as we do. Haha. After having done so many ( and knowing my friends' experiences and all) we concluded that guys generally go "thanks!" and it would go into their drawer/ cupboard. Haha.
Nevertheless, it's still something nice and sweet to do! Alternatively, try cooking up a storm? (:
Hope that helps!
babe thats a very nice watch !
can i ask where did u bought it ?
It's a Michael Kors watch given to me for my birthday last year (: I love it too!
icic alright thanks ! (:
Hey babe. where did your bff get the book?? I wanna read it too ):
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