Gorgeous new photo shoot location that the best friend and I discovered on our own coincidentally and the trip over wasn't an easy one. The trees are so all neatly planted and of a uniform height just hovering slightly above our heads. We crown this our 小树 place and we've sworn to secrecy for this (; Wet weather resulted in soggy grounds and made our little adventure a tough one but we managed quite a number of shots in the end. The great length we actually go to for good photos... Also madly in love with my new chiffon dress that feels so pretty and fairy-ish ^_^
Uploading this series today only because I'm shifting to a new home and I wouldn't have internet access till the setup is properly done which would probably take a few days so. Hate having to move out of my comfort zone and everything I knew but I ought to feel happier about getting a bigger new room because I am going to revamp it slightly again! Pictures will be up when it's all done (:
Till then! xx
Hi fiona! Can i know where you got your chiffon dress from? TIA!
Hi fiona. I know you have a film slr camera ya? what is your model? i was thinking to get one, but i'm not too sure on how to set my setting.
Hi, I got it from f21!
Hi, yeap I do. It's a Yashica but I can't remember the model now cause I'm in school now and I haven't touched it in a long time. Try to google or something..? Sorry I can't be of much help right now.
Hi Fiona, where is this location?(":
Hi, sorry but I won't be revealing my shoot locations. Thanks!
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