To-go-place #38: Golden Hour at Kranji War Memorial
During last week, I've lost myself in a couple of reads. There're a couple of other books that I'm dying to delve into, but time does not permit too much leisure reading for me now. To remedy this situation and to feed the soul, I've decided to bring a new photography magazine with me on my trip so I can read while I'm on the plane or chilling by the sea. The thought of it makes me guilty because I haven't had the time at all for the stack on the desk.
I'm actually CONSIDERING a giveaway of some of these photography magazines that I've been reading. Keyword: Considering. Reason being 1) I'm not too sure if anyone would be interested since they are older issues (nevertheless, useful) 2) I honestly have difficulty parting with the things I love but I figured it's pointless I keep them all when I probably wouldn't go through them often. Leave a comment and let me know if you're interested and I'll decide if I should do a little giveaway when I get home (:
The cousins and I would be heading to the Zoo tomorrow for some fun since we actually got the tickets at half the price and I'm bursting at the seams with eagerness! Love all sorts of adventure trips <: Today, I'll be collecting my spree loots and dedicating the night to clearing my project and backlogs. I declare Tuesday- Saturday work-free days so I might not be updating this space till Sunday!