Our accomodation- Strawberry Park Resort ^_^ Decent room for its price!

Huge ass toilet, but there's no bath tub though.

After trekking for hours down the hill, we finally arrived at the Strawberry Farm in the early evening. Picking strawberries was the highlight of my trip but we passed it up cause D didn't think that the strawberries were ripe enough.

To make my trip worthwhile, D made me pluck this strawberry when no one was looking ^_^ And its ultra sweet.

And we had strawberry fried ice cream and awesome scones! :D Thereafter left the farm reluctantly and headed for dinner down the hill.

We signed up for a Sunrise tour at 65rm/ pax when we first arrived at Cameron. Initially, we wanted to trek and find our own sweet spot to camp the sunrise but we realized it's almost impossible and this sunrise spot was a designated area in the midst of the mountain with unobstructed view and is said that the sunrise is best viewed from here. This are the best shots I could afford cause it was really hard to position the tripod.

Intense colors at the crack of dawn <3

D and my favorite shot ^^
"Just as plants go into bud and thrive, so do people's hearts are bathed in sunshine and swell."
I love how things are falling into place somehow in some aspects of my life and how these things bring hope. Certain flashbacks and images bring back so much pain, but there's no turning back now. Baby steps, baby steps.
I believe we have our own fate in our hands. This time round, I'd right all the wrongs in my life.
Sometimes it feels like I'm alive but I'm barely breathing.
My mind is constantly running, constantly analyzing, and it doesn't stop.
Hi Fiona! do you have any suggestions where to go for an outdoor shoot, alone? thanks in advance! (:re
Hi Fiona! blog & post the outdoor shoots with your friends (: saw your instagram, & those shoots are damn pretty! and do you know what kind of book to read up to learn more abt photography? thanks!
& how did you learn abt photoshop editing?
sorry to ask so many qns.
Thanks in advance! (:
Hi, are both questions left by the same person? Hmm, I don't have any suggestions exactly where you can go. If you are planning to do a shoot all alone (like really all alone), I suppose the most important thing is to turn a blind eye to stares and passerby. You can do a shoot anywhere and everywhere. I've done a "badass" shoot with cigg and alcohol. I directed the shoot and got my ex boyfriend to take the photos and we did it below my block and just around my estate. (:
And thank you for being kind dear (: I will post them up definitely, but bit by bit! I have a lot of backlogs to clear at the moment so I'm updating accordingly. I buy magazines etc and read up online. It's a lot of discipline and self learning I guess. I self taught everything and am still continuing to learn whenever I read/ shoot. Photoshop "skills" (wouldn't really call what I possess now skills) but I learn them through youtube tutorials and a lot of trial and errors! Also, some of those magazines I get do include photoshop tutorials in it! I would strongly recommend getting those magazines, they do help beginners quite a bit! (: Good luck!
Yes dear, both left by same person!
Thank you fiona! you are so nice! (: where do you usually purchase those magazines? do you borrow it like from the library or something? :D
The strawberry fried ice cream + scones thingy look goooood! :D
Anon: Heeeelllo, you are most welcome! I'm not of much help anyway, but would be glad to be! I usually get them from Malaysia! Haha. They can be found in Sg too but it only costs about RM10 for one issue! The one I usually get is this:
But I usually snag everything I can find off the shelf, but of course I ensure that the content is useful to me first before buying! If you want to be able to learn while you read, this is a good choice. Don't purchase those that feature nice photos + lots of ads inside if you really need/want tips! I borrowed books from library before, they aren't very useful.. /: I dig landscape and wedding photography a lot so I like those that go in depth on details and they guide you along but I haven't really found library books to be that useful. It's just to a certain extent. But no harm trying now isn't it, just start with whatever you can find in the library. I'm sure if you put your heart into it there's always just SOMETHING you can pick up from. (:
Wenhui: YAH OMG I LOVE FRIED ICE CREAM!!! Miss Foodie, where can I find it in Singapore? ): I hardly/ never came across any before. And yes, I'm gonna go on a hunt for the best scones in Sg soon hehe!
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