BOH tea plantation. Extremely lovely landscaping (: Pity this only photo of me with the landscape is blur.

On the peak of the highest mountain in Cameron

Love the fluffy billowing clouds

Scarily steep staircase that never fails to graze my knees with every step and get me gripping the handle like a coward

Moving on to the unexpected- The Lord Of The Rings forest (as claimed by our guide). It's a mossy forest filled with moss (obviously), dead leaves and branches that wouldn't decompose due to the conditions of the forest, and a thick woody scent. Once in a lifetime experience, I'd say. Call it bad or good luck that the visitors path was down for renovation and we had to literally trek the forest. Due to the nature of the forest, the grounds were damp and moist but no thanks to the rain the day before that made the entire place muddy. Yes, muddy.

It wasn't easy trekking up at all especially when you:
1) aren't equipped with the right pair of shoes
2) suck at balancing/ climbing steep slopes
3) are upset your new reindeer tights are splattered with mud
4) carrying a heavy camera and 99% of the time you are worried for your camera
The whole time I was whining that I didn't sign up for this because I slipped and fell and had my feet stuck in the mud I wanted to cry cause for a moment it felt like it was impossible to pull out and it was pretty deep. With every step we had to hold on to any branch sticking our way or we would fall (and maybe even off the cliff) and the branches are filled with moss/algae.... Icky feeling.
BUT, the place is a complete beauty.

Truly truly breathtaking and unforgettable experience. Before I am judged, no I am not so bimbotic as to wear a pair of strawberry slippers there. My flats came apart the moment we reached Cameron. How lucky. The only pair of "shoes" available for sale are these slippers. Sucks to be me.

My first ever coming in close contact, lest to say HOLDING, a pitcher plant! So intrigued by it.

All hail the feet of the conquerors! (Y) Well, it doesn't look as bad here as it really feels. But hmm, my entire brown spongy slippers are actually filled with mud at this point of time. With every step I can literally hear the 'squish squish' sound made. Imagine the feeling of treading on shit? That felt like it /:
Best part? No water to clean ourselves up. Win.

With our dirty feet, we were brought to the BOH tea factory for a mini tour and then for some free and easy. Everyone scuttled to the toilet to wash their feet and then settled down at the iconic cafe with a to-die-for view! The cafe is just a platform off the building and it faces the lovely plantation while you munch and enjoy a cuppa warm tea in the cold air.

(first half of the trip; second half will be up in a few days' time!)
We were well-prepared globe trekkers armed with the holy-trinity of camera, brolly and guides. All set and ready to assume the titles of Mr and Mrs Explorer only to be told that it's impossible that we trek the place on our own because Cameron is huge and we are unfamiliar with the place. Therefore, we ended up taking up the tour offers but it was good and the locals are sooooo warm and lovely (for the lack of better vocabulary).
Perfect weather coupled by lush green grass, tall trees and lovely flowers of varied hues that bordered the sides of roads. I would crown this the wonderland of beauty and happiness and I wouldn't return if I were given a choice.
I needed some time in a beautiful place to clear my head, and this was perfect.
[ For the ever hungry wanderlusting soul of mine.]
Till the second half of the trip, xx.
I'm still damn amazed by this photo: http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8024/7267700638_5a5589415a_b.jpg hahaha Fiona & Desmond in Wonderland~
Hehehe my favorite photo tooooo!!! <:
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