The father races her daughter ^_^ While I.... take my time.

Here's to happiness and magic. To a brand new month ahead, to more adventure trips and happier days ahead of us. To us and lovely weekends. Thank you for the love when I least deserve it.
Time to leave the past behind.
I'm anticipating our Cameron Highland and Phuket trip! Stoked xx.
hehe y you 3 so cute ^-^
hi fiona! did lip kai gave you doldie? :)
Amanda: .....IT....MUST BE ME!! HAHAHAHA. (: Take Siri out to take photos with you! <:
Anon: Hi..! Hmm, Doldie didn't belong to him. She was one of his family member's and they contacted me to let me take over her because of certain commitments and they didn't have time for her. (:
Hey Fiona may I know where this pier is at so prettaye!
Hi, This is West Coast! <:
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