Finally, we made time for a short adventure trip to Lorong Buangkok! I've been dyyyyying (an understatement still) to go but never had the chance to. It's the last kampong left in Singapore so please do visit it before the government makes plans to remove it because from what I know, there were intentions to build roads through the kampong but plans are thwarted due to objections etc. The residents are adamant on staying cause they want to preserve the last standing kampong here so that the future generations would still have an idea of how it looks like. Think zinc roofs, muddy tracks..
These two weeks have been crazily packed for me, and the added bonus of having shoots really shoved things into the crazy region, but I'm not complaining since I'm busy with what I love most and have been meeting amazing people along the way. I'm planning to revamp this space again for a brand new look and I'm also planning to start a visual diary! If I ever get down to it, I will scan in the pages every now and then to share with you guys! Hope everyone's fully maximizing their time too. Toodles! xx