Drunken Pirate

Bikini Babe

(pictures taken by TL and myself)
Arteastiq- Tea Lounge & Art Jam
Click here: Arteastiq
We had Bikini Babe and Drunken Pirate (if I didn't remember wrongly, that is).. for Brunch at Arteastiq! I can't quite remember but I think it was some set lunch menu for 2 and it's really worth the money. TL and I loved the Pear Fruit Tea and the interior design! So pwetty ^_^ We are going to try all the brunch places in Singapore together! Love you best friend xx
As I had promised, room tour up next!
I likeeeeeee your top.
Hehe I am planning to sell! You want? <: I can sell to you!
Can I have the picture :)
I text you k darling (: You gotta update me about Sherry! Des didn't tell me much details, but I feel so angry omg. I text you later! -hug-
hi fiona! I wanna ask where do you get your hair cut? I want my fringe to be something like yours, but i don' know how to tell the stylist.
Hi dear, my fringe is really in a state of mess right now cause I am in the midst of growing it out. I get my hair cut at a home salon near my place which is cheap and good. I've been going there for cuts and dyes for the past one year or so! But my current fringe is just overgrown bangs and I trimmed it at home on my own with the layering scissors! Cause initially it was really literally overgrown bangs covering my nose in a horizontal fashion. So I trimmed it diagonally downwards so it doesn't look that unsightly. Perhaps you can let the hairdresser know that you want your fringe to be "sloped" ( I think thats what they usually call it?). Like it gets longer towards your ear? I hope that helps! <:
hey fiona, how do you get the effects on your photos like those in yr Arteastiq / Love Chase post? do you edit them or are they settings made on-cam? either way, could you kindly let me in on it? :D thanks!
Hey there, what do you mean the effects? Do you mean the colours? If that's what you are referring to, yes I edited them. I can't achieve such colors on my camera itself. (:
Yeah colours, thank u=) i thought you made changes to the settings in your cam=) thank u=)
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