The before- Which I miss terribly. I had those furnitures and slept on that bed since I was 8. I can't believe it's that old when it honestly looks as good as new still when I moved them out of my room. But I've already had the idea of a revamp since 2 years back, and I didn't want to wait anymore especially when I've already started purchasing little knick knacks for my new room.

This is my wardrobe displaying the colored section. I am quite anal about the arrangement of my clothes and I hate it when it is not sorted out according to colors. I'm OCD like that, and very particular about cleanliness and neatness.
One thing that I am displeased and have no control over? The ugly inconsistent hangers. My mom bought them so I just used them cause I am always running out of hangers.

The upper section of my wardrobe- The blazers, jackets, sweaters on the left and all the black apparels that took up the entire rack.
My jeans, home wears, bags, lingeries, swim wears, are on the other half of the wardrobe and they aren't featured here.

Rings, bracelets, necklaces

Earrings collection!

My favorite part of my room is also the view I wake up to everyday (:

1) Storage boxes from IKEA which does an amazing job at keeping all sorts of junk from the public eye 2) Red breakfast table 3) Frame from a friend and Dry Cabinet

My best friend, Eileen, made the frame for me for my 16th birthday. I love it so much I had it placed in my room even though it isn't white. And of course, my Dry Cabinet which is in black.

A sneak peek into my drawer of cosmetics/ skincare products.

A clock that is big enough for me to not squint at every morning

A vintage looking telephone which I love, it was a gift from Kai. It is a real functioning phone, it's just that I didn't have it installed in my room so it's there as a display right now.

This is my tiny work desk drawer that is filled with pens, markers, stickers and my 2012 kitty organiser.

An extremely thoughtful and cute handmade birthday gift from Samantha perched on my desk which now stores rolls of films I have yet to develop. It serves its purpose as a little reminder box for me to put little items in it so I wouldn't lose them.

My name sewn by the mother when I was 4. I kept it properly all these years and had it reframed last year. I vividly remember her sitting on the sofa in our old apartment and watching her sew the alphabets and bears. I remembered when she was sewing the 'O', she pointed to it and asked me what alphabet is this and asked me to make a guess whose name is it. (,:

My bedside table and tiny work desk

Another favorite of mine is this white/corkboard at my desk. I bought the magnets and decorated the board on my own. Please do not ask me where I got the "Inspire" and "Dream" wood blocks from either. I got them on impulse cause it was beautiful even though I had no idea what to do with them, I just knew they will go on the walls of my room. I brought it home, surveyed it and decided to paint them pink and stick them onto the board. I really love how it turned out. If you have me on instagram, you would have already known that the cork board side is already filled up with instax prints. (:
1) I bought 2 different kinds of bedsheets for my room. 2 sets of pure white and 1 set of purple bed sheet. The whole idea of the revamp was to make it an all-white room, but when I embarked on the revamp, I wanted it to be all dark and mysterious. I wanted my room to be filled with scarlet and purple tones but I couldn't give up my dream and the most I could do was to buy a set of dark purple sheets so I can have the best of both worlds (as much as possible, at least)!
2) I am anticipating questions on where I bought my stuffs from, and I will answer them now. I didn't purchase everything from Ikea. My tiny work desk, bed side table and drawers are from Ikea (along with other small tiny knick knacks e.g. lamp) but the rest of my furnitures aren't. I spent slightly more than $2k on my room excluding the cost of my wardrobe since my parents paid for that.
3) As much as I could, I changed all that I could. No renovations were done though! My curtains, even though I don't like them) are still relatively new since my parents just got them changed about a year ago. I love the whiteness of the room, but I have to say there is a price to pay for it. I am extremely lazy and it didn't help that I have to wipe my room every one to two months because dust particles are extremely visible on white furnitures. The other favorite part of my room has got to be my headboard! ^_^
4) It may seem easy but it definitely wasn't easy conceptualizing everything from scratch and working within budget but I'd say I didn't regret it one bit...it makes me feel a whole lot better about waking up and when I've had a bad day, I take comfort in retreating into my own perfect sanctuary. It's so important, to me, to have a space that you love.
I hope this inspires you to revamp your own little space as well!
By the way, which do you guys prefer? The all white outlook or the purple? (:
Have a happy CNY!