A tiny sneak preview of a casual couple shoot I did awhile back (:
December. A month for me to love and to finish what I started.
Hello all, I've finally taken the leap of faith and created my very own Smittenpixels Photography FB page for my tiny business and I'm really immensely grateful and thankful for the very kind words showered and the unrelenting support given by my close friends- from primary school, to secondary to poly and uni. Thank you everyone! I've been putting off the thought of setting up a page for myself because I resent the idea of having to shamelessly promote oneself, and ultimately, I'm not a professional or anywhere near that standard but it's time for me to finish what I started and to instill a little more confidence in my own work. I've plans on setting up a new site with an all new look but sadly, my overseas trips would be hogging half of my Dec holidays so I'll probably work on it when I get back. I'll take things one step at a time.
I've made a lot of plans for December but I'm not fulfilling more than half of my "to-dos" because my schedule has been madly hectic and I can barely cope. On a brighter note, I'll be heading to KL to meet two very young, pretty and talented photographers and I'm really excited! My mom has been really excited about going KL for some shopping and nice food. It's been about a month plus of liaising via social media platforms, we're finally seeing each other tomorrow! I'll schedule some posts to be put up here while I'm away as I'd be away for most part of December (finally my well deserved break)!
This little platform means a whole great deal to me, and I'd be really happy if you could just help me to like and share my page here. THANK YOU if you have already done so! (:
To a bigger and brighter Smittenpixels Photography xx
I miss your old blogging styles, where you shared your places to go and places to eat! While I'm happy that you're working as a photographer, I really hope you'll share more of your personal life (like you used to) than your shoots! :)
Wenhui: Xie xie ni!!! (: Always so kind! Thank you dearie!! :D
Anon: Hi dear, it's happy and heartbreaking at the same time receiving your comment. Honestly, I miss my old blogging style too.. and it isn't that I've become selfish or anything like that, but my work has robbed almost all, if not all, of my personal life and I don't have very much personal photos to share nowadays! I do have my Redang trip to share, but I'm saving it for a new site (which I thought I could complete before I leave but apparently not) ): ): ):
I'm really thankful you are still reading up till today despite it being all boring now. Please give me some time to get my life back on track, I promise to revert back to then. But I really need to wait till my new site is up and running and when I return from my trip. New year, new start okay? :D
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