163 Tanglin Rd Tanglin Mall #01-35, Singapore 247933
whipped out their phones and DSLRs when the food came and we were saying how much our friends hate eating with us
cause they always have to wait for us to finish our photo-taking before we allow them to tuck in. Hahaha.
2) I've never had a tougher time taking photos because the entire table was taking photos together and Ruby was complaining
that my shadow was seen in her photos and we all had to make do with a certain position that we were in. No prizes for
guessing just exactly how long we took to take a decent photo /:
3) Brunetti was a total disappointment. Service was pretty bad and the desserts, which are what they are supposed to
be known for, were a total disappointment. Only my salted caramel macaron and a macaron-lookalike chocolate dessert
were good. I'm in a huge rush for time so I can't bother to recall the name of the dessert ): All in all, I doubt we would ever
make a return trip to this place. Right, girls?
4) But they say it's the company that counts and we had so much to talk. We talked till the wee hours and had to take a
cab home. It's always nice to share about our personal lives and how we feel about certain issues and it definitely brought
us closer (:
These bunch of girls, together with our new friend- Alene, would be fleaing at Scape tomorrow. We'll be at the rooftop
selling our awesome pre-loved items at dirt cheap rates so please come and support!!! <: I know how some of them are
so loved for their OOTDs, and it's your chance to grab those clothes now! So please drop by if you are in the area or if
you have the time tomorrow! We have so much to clear, I promise it'll be worth the while! <:
So see you tomorrow? xx