"That's why true love is so hard to find because the basis of love is friendship and friendship is really, really rare." -Happy Endings
It's amazing what life has in store for us, and how we took a 2 years roundabout before we land up here with each other. Those who know us, know our story. I have finally found my place, and this is way more than I could ever bargain for. A bro, a bestfriend, a lover and a soulmate. All in one. I am the luckiest girl alive.
From a stranger who I swore never to be friends with because "he looks so ahbeng and sinister" to smoking buddies. I can barely remember how we started our first conversation but the next thing I knew, we were always going, "Eh bro, wanna smoke?" Those days at work were one of the best days of my life, because I met a number of friends whom are still tight with me even till this date.
I remember the days we would sit at the staircase to smoke because I was feeling down and he would be there to knock some sense into me. We became friends then. But Daniel was a very realistic person, and just before I left the job to return to school, he said we probably wouldn't be friends anymore because he felt that it would be hard to stay as friends when everyone leaves the workplace eventually. Apart from all of that, we had our own commitments as well.
Unexpectedly, we kept in touch with occasional midnight calls that lasted for hours till morning. This year, things took on a number of twists and turns and we became the best of friends. The rest is history.
This path hasn't been easy at all, and we have a lot of obstacles in the way. No one said love is gonna be easy. And for you, I'll stay and fight and I know what comes may, I have you fighting alongside with me.
The past few months, he would stay up all night to tide me through my endless work load and help me with my emails. He massaged my legs after a long day of shoots when he is just as tired, and even continuing to do so when I've already fallen asleep and then he wakes up with me in the wee hours of the morning every weekend to accompany me for shoots just cause he doesn't want me to be alone. He plants me good morning and night kisses everyday without fail, and reaches over for my hand and embraces me tightly in the middle of the night even when he is asleep. It's sweet little gestures like such that counts, because I know he isn't out to impress and there are countless of other things that he has done for me.
You do just about everything in this world you can to make me happy and do what's best for me. Thank you for teaching me every single day without fail, how to love someone better and to love myself more. Most of all, thank you for being the most selfless person ever. Thank you for giving me a new life, for giving weekends a new meaning, and for being my every reason to love and smile, and loving a wreck like me. I wake up everyday knowing my heart is safe. You have become such an integral part of my life, share the same bed, giggle at the same jokes, share the same dream, and have impeccable chemistry together at everything we do and say. We often reminisce about the past and how life has been playing a cruel joke on us through these 2 years, and how amazingly funny it would have been if we could see ourselves now two years ago when we thought that we couldn't have kept this friendship going and we are actually inseparable now. (,;
With you, I have the best days of my life. I don't think you even realise the joy you make me feel when you let me into your world. No lies, no deceit. Just love. Exactly all that I was ever looking for in a relationship. I hope that we get to stay together and be in love for a very very long time to come. And just maybe, always and forever would fall into place for us.
I want a million trillion lifetimes to spend together and I will love the hell out of you (not that I ain't doing that already). Happy monthsary, my love. And here's to a happy weekend getaway for us both!