When I first met Rebs half a year ago for a blogshop shoot, she was telling me about wanting to engage someone to do a shoot for her mother and their dog, Reefer, because Reef is already very old and the family has rarely taken photos together, much less with Reef. We spoke about this a few times because she was shortlisting a few photographers in mind, and the last thing I expected was that she'd actually ask me to do the shoot for her. I'm very touched because she wanted very much for her family to meet me, after having told her mom quite a bit about me and knowing how important this shoot is to them. Of all people, she actually picked me.
Thank you so much sweetheart, you have no idea how much that meant to me and how much I love your house and your mom for making me feel so at ease (: She's one hell of a hot mama at this age. I'm just really glad these photos would serve as a lifetime's keepsake for the Wiener family. Becs, I know you will read this. I miss you so much! Spain is taking you away for way too long, please come back soon! I'm so not used to not having seen you for more than a month. ):
I think I've kinda lost track of time quite a bit when I'm so caught up with everything that's happening around me and my own emotions. There's just so much I'd want to rant and to seek solace in, but this space is no longer an outlet for me to bare my heart out to anymore. So much has happened over the past two weeks, my life is changed forever and nothing feels the same anymore. Each day, my emotions are being taken on a roller coaster ride and today, I've decided that it is best leaving certain things unsaid.
Things will be okay in the end, I've just gotta get that drilled in my head.
I've no idea how to deal with this.
I've no idea how to deal with this.
Love these photos! So natural and the lighting's so great :) Hope you feel okay soon, cheers xo
hello! what camera and lens did you use for this? also which other cameras and lenses do you own? would you recommend them? :)
Mandy: AWWW thank you sweetie!! <: So sweet of you! Thank you! Let's meet soon! :D
Anon: Hello! I used a 50mm f1.4 for this! I own quite a number of cameras but yes I love the 50mm! <:
I love this set of pictures alot!! Miss you & Rebecca so much )':
This is a really really sweet post with photos that shows lots of love :)
Xiaoqin is that you!!!!! I miss all of us too ): Becs will only be back in July ): Sigh!
Elly: Yes, I agree! Very lovely family indeed <3
Hello! would you know where the dress from the last photo is from? it is absolutely gorgeous.
Hi! I'm so sorry I'm not too sure because it was an advert for a blogshop and I shot for Rebs for her to pass the photos to a friend. But I agree the dress is nice! So sorry ):
Aw it's okay! thanks for even replying though, you're extremely nice x
I am because you are!! (: No problem! Have a nice week ahead of you :D xx
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