Wardrobe: Halo Lale
Model: Gen Neo
During Christmas last year, I tried my hands on my second night fashion shoot. This time round, I worked with Gen and Halo Lale for their manufactured bandage dresses that sold like hot cakes. The material and cut were incredibly flattering, I swear they have a knack for designing female apparels. What I never expected to find myself saying is that I actually like how the photos have turned out considering the fact that I do not do night shoots at all and this is really just very basic/beginner for me.
So much has happened recently, and it's really nice when the boy and I sit down and recap our year together every now and then and we count our blessings for all the good that has happened in 2014 for us. We've just booked yet another trip, and that makes it 3 more trips for us before the year ends. We love travelling this much because it's the best way for us to block the rest of the world out for a bit and have each other to ourselves in a foreign land. I can barely keep my hands off work, thus travelling is THE way for us to chill out and remember to breathe. June has been a madass hectic rush and I'm glad it's over! Months of effort and hard work are finally coming to fruition.
This year is just going to get even better. (: