When you set your eyes on this post, you'd have already received the first three parts of your birthday gifts that I've been painstakingly hiding over the past 2 months, and this is the very last part to it. You deserve an entire dedicated post because the world ought to know the goodness you possess.
I spent the last 2 months working late into the night on the scrapbook I'm making for you after you've slept. If you were to ask me how long I've been planning this, I can tell you it's actually been for as long as we've been together. I am aware of how much you wish to receive a handmade gift from me, especially knowing I have a thing for hand making cards and such. All these while, I've been planning, which explains why I would occasionally buy some materials many months back and you start questioning me why am I wasting my money on these when I barely have the time to do cards for anyone. It's been a really long time since I've last attempted to make a scrapbook, and now that I've come to the end of it, I'm really happy with it because I did it the way I've always emphasised how scrapbooks should be done- with scraps. Most of whatever you will find in the book, are leftover materials from years ago or from my torn clothes, old gift wraps and all sorts of rubbish you can ever imagine. I attempted to photograph the entire process of me doing, and putting the images into a short clip for you so you could see the making of it but there just wasn't enough time for me to do this in the day time comfortably, and the photography stopped midway. The Bali trip was supposed to be a surprise for you that I've planned since 4 months back, but barely a few days into it and I let the cat out of the bag because I couldn't contain my excitement. It was like every minute into it and I'm trembling with excitement because I just wanna stand and squeal " Omg we are going Bali!!" After a long 4 months wait, we are finally heading there together.
7 months. It is not a great deal of time at all, and in comparison to the past relationships we had this is almost peanuts. But we do know of many couples who barely last past the 6 months mark, and we are aware how much things could have evolved in this span of time. But, I'm proud to say each moment together just makes us even more inseparable, and that this is even better than the chase because we never settle for less, we fight for our love, we do whatever it takes to make each other happy and we stay in love.
You remember the slightest details, right down to worrying about me not having lunch if you aren't around because you know I'm too lazy to get my own lunch and doing everything possible to ensure I get my meals on time. You're the bigger man, who forgives my tantrums on bad days and even giving up your iPhone 5 for me because my 4s is faulty. On many of the days when work has been too much to bear, such that I lose track of my days and time, you step in to calm my senses and take over my admin work for me to ease my load. You tirelessly stay up with me every night till 3am because I'm bogged down by work and wakes early with me without a single word of complaint all these while. Our relationship is as good as a long distance (haha, I kid!), because we are literally separated across Singapore but he has never once not sent me home. I love how each night you will tuck me into bed and end the day with a goodnight kiss. You are always going around telling your friends how proud you are to have me, and telling me "I want everyone to know how proud I am of you. My girlfriend is so awesome!" (,: You bring me with you everywhere you go, and there was never anyone like that before you. You make me out to be a gem, when I am not. Now, you deserve nothing but the best from me.
I know how taxing it can get being with me at times, and having to accommodate my schedules, but thank you for your relentless love. Most of all, thank you for fulfilling your promises towards me every day. One reason why we can constantly be each other's source of joy is because we've never stop working things out together and we never stop chasing each other ever. It's tiring, even for me. Sometimes the struggle to balance work and life drives me to a corner, and the distance between us isn't helping. You take all the effort to come over to my place just to watch me work on my computer.
Every single day with you, I learn so much about loving someone. You build a love that encompasses all my shortcomings, but your love is patient and forgiving. I learn how selfish I can be and how insensitive I am at times towards your feelings while you, love me with every fibre of your being and puts me in the first place in every little thing you do, place my emotions and welfare as priority in the decisions you make. You never hesitate to put your pride down for me, and when we do quarrel, you end up saying you're sorry first because you love me and not because you are at fault. I get to make the decisions for everything because you want me to be happy, and you want me to be able to have whatever I want. No, don't get me wrong. I am not a demanding girlfriend (or so I'd like to think), but D really lets me make the final decision in everything. He says he wants me to always be happy. (,: In him, I truly understand what it means when someone says, " Whatever makes you happy, makes me smile." It's times like how he brings me to have my favourite tom yum soup when he doesn't even fancy tom yum at all and when I'm happily wolfing down the entire pot of it, I see him chuckling to himself across the table and then he'd say, "I'm happy because you are happy."
At the same time it makes me afraid because I feel so blessed and loved, that I am bursting at the seams with happiness. It's happiness like this that makes me worry because good things are never known to last for me and I'm so incredibly blessed, it's unbelievable. It's like I've finally found my place, that I never have to wander again. And that I know, every beautiful moment in my life I have you to share them with me. And every country that my wanderlust spirit will bring me, I have you to witness the beauty together with me and leaving our footprints bit by bit as we conquer the world together. <3
Thank you for being the wonderful man you are, and for being mine.
Happy 25th birthday, the love of my life.
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